Young Adult Program

Young Adults

Find out how we're different from anything you've tried before...

We Are Here To Help

Many young adults come to us feeling isolated and alone, believing no one understands their challenges becoming independent. We provide a community of peers and a strong support system that guides and cares for you each step of the way.

Young adult hiker stands on top of a mountain with arms outstretched
Selfcare and Emotional Wellness
You will develop healthy habits and routines for daily living. This includes activities related to your self-care as well as skills for coping, emotional regulation, and overall emotional wellness.
Young adult male carries a box through his front door
Supported Independent Living
We help young adults acquire housing and successfully manage apartment living. This includes weekly visits, tracking medication and appointments, and daily support for questions or concerns.
Group of teen males laugh while sitting on a wooden deck
Community & Friendship
K2 is a place where you will feel a sense of belonging, inclusion, and realize EVERYONE has something valuable to offer and gain from others.
Group of young adults working at a table as a team
Employment & Education
We equip young adults with the confidence and skills to acquire and sustain employment. We offer resources and support for those who have had setbacks in college, are unsure on next steps after high school, or will benefit from services to support academic accommodations.
Info graphic showing ways to help with self improvement
Life Skills for Independence
Group and community-based services that teach/reinforce skills for budgeting, meal planning, daily responsibilities, organization, and ongoing personal development.
Two young women high five while doing pushups in a gym
Fitness and Nutrition
K2 provides 5 days/week fitness groups, outdoor adventure, nutrition support, and goal setting for overall wellness.

Take the First Step Toward Healthy Independence, Purpose and Friendship

Learn Through Practice and Action

Life isn’t lived in your head or behind a screen. We get out into the community to practice new skills in diverse situations, so you can apply them in your everyday life.

Family Involvement is a Priority

Many of our young adults need parent and sibling support alongside them in their journey. Family participation is valued and prioritized.

We Foster Relationships

You will experience connection and understanding from a community that promotes safety, friendship, and healthy fun.

Your Goals Matter

We join with you to ensure you reach your goals. The Equinox K2 Young Adult program is the place to get better, feel better, and be better.

“It’s worth working through the discomfort and pain to get to the sweet stuff.”

-A 23 year-old's insight after hiking to reach fresh powder

How We Help You Reach Your Goals

Our programs are designed to provide you...


Practical Insights

We blur the line between therapist and coach to help you gain critical skills such as problem solving, emotional regulation, effective coping, social competencies, and relationships. 


Safe Practice Space

As you learn new skills, we provide a variety of different opportunities to practice, including with other young people like you. Here, you won't feel so different. 

Skills that Stick

Just like riding a bike, once you get something down, it becomes automatic. That's our goal for you: to convert new skills into lifelong competencies, so you can live the life you want.

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